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Welcome to Mary Go Round The World, I am excited for you to travel along with me and my journeys throughout Europe.

Image by Ross Parmly
Home: Welcome

Farewell Glasgow

I am currently sitting in the airport preparing for the flight home and reflecting on my time at my new home-- Glasgow. My study abroad...

Málaga and Granada, Spain

No better way to end abroad than crashing a family vacation. Just when I was ready to leave Europe, the Kanes took me in on their trip to...

Brussels, Belgium and Thanksgiving

This past week included me cooking brussel sprouts for Thanksgiving then heading to Brussels, Belgium for the weekend. Thanksgiving was...

Interlaken, Switzerland

If you can't find me, I will be in the Swiss Alps. Interlaken, Switzerland was a dream. I found myself already planning my next trip...


¡Hola from Madrid, Spain! This weekend I ventured to southern Europe in hopes of finding the sun. Though early winter in Spain did not...


This past week I had the treat of visiting one of my best friends from University of Denver, Elsa, in Amsterdam where she is studying...

A Visit From the Family

This past week has been a very exciting one. I got to exercise my new Scottish knowledge as I toured my family around Glasgow and...


This week was eventful as always with staying busy around campus and exploring more of the UK! On campus I tried out a cycling class at...


Prost to an amazing weekend in Munich! This week was another normal week of classes filled with getting into the groove of things. With...

First Week of Class

It seems like I have been here forever but somehow I just finished my first week of classes. I am taking bagpiping, a religion class...

Day Trips Around Scotland

This week was filled with exploring the island I am beginning to call home. A big perk of being in the middle of Scotland is that most...

Settling Into Glasgow

I'm not sure if it has been a year, 5 days, or 3 seconds but I am beginning to feel at home in Glasgow. Time has flown by during my first...

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